
What You Should Know About Skin and Other Cancers

There are three main types of skin cancer.

First of all I will go through the different types of Skin Cancer, starting off with the most serious type.

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Melanoma, this is a very dangerous type of cancer and many thousands die from this every year throughout the world.

Usually it is caused through sunburn in the earlier years of our lives, it can develop very quickly once it starts and can easily spread to other parts of the body.
A melanoma, if left untreated for too long can be fatal, so it is in your best interest to seek medical help as soon as you can.

It can appear as a new spot on your skin, or as an existing blemish that changes appearance, a mole or freckle that changes shape or color. Regularly check your skin for any changes, don't spend too long in the sun, wear special block out cream to prevent burning, if you live in an area of the world that gets a lot of sunshine, you should have a skin inspection every year by a medical practitioner.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma, is the most common type of skin cancer, it can be scaly flaky skin, or can be red or pale in color, or a lump, usually on the arms, hands, or face, even though this kind is the least serious, it is important to have them treated.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, these are quite serious, as they can also spread to other parts of the body, like Melanoma, they usually have to be excised, which is not very pleasant, quite often they are on the face, ears, hands, arms, anywhere that has been exposed to the sun, once again, it is imperative that medical help is sought as soon as you can.

There are dozens of different types of Other Cancers, but there are two main groups. Sarcomas which come from connective tissue, bone, muscle, cartilage etc. and Carcinomas, which originate from the epithelial cells, which are the linings of your body, either internal or external.

It is important that you watch out for sores that will not heal.
Change in freckles, spots, moles, or warts.
Abnormal discharge, or even bleeding.
A lump anywhere in the body.
Unaccountable weight loss.
A cough or hoarseness.
Any change in you bowel or bladder habits, ie. bleeding.

Today a huge percentage of cancers can be cured, using modern medicine and the experts treatment, however with all cancers, it is so important that you seek help as early as possible, the longer it is left, the more difficult it becomes to cure. It is far better to pay the cost of a visit to your doctor, and then find out you are OK, than finding out too late, that there is nothing that can be done for you.

The next important fact is prevention, I am not saying that all cancers can be prevented, but this is very important, try to include as many of the healthy vegetables and fruit in your diet, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Brussels Sprouts, Apples, Pears, Oranges, all these type of foods help to flush out the toxins from your body, drink plenty of water. I know that you have heard it all before, but it is so important, if you would like to see old age.

Cancer is one of the most terrible diseases to have, anything that can be done to cure or prevent this disease, should be the most important item on your list of priorities.

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